When you’ve spent as much time on this earth as I have you learn a few things about yourself.
Not only am I at the “comfortable-shoe” stage of my life – which means I’ve accumulated a certain amount of wisdom, crow’s-feet and perimenupuasal pounds – but I’ve discovered something I never knew about myself during this past year of graduate school.
I LOVE routine.
Now that may sound boring to some of you, but knowing I have a schedule to stick to and deadlines to meet makes me happier than a kitty in a cashmere blanket.
There’s something comforting about routine. Especially when you like what you’re doing. Living by a schedule keeps me on track and makes me feel productive.
For the last nine months I’ve been living by the school calendar. Periods of intensity, followed by quiet weekends – usually involving Rosé – has added a pleasant rhythm to my life.
Juggling an often-overwhelming load taught me to organize my time. It forced me to try to find a balance between work, family and friends. It also made me realize that I like living and working at an intense pace.
And I’m afraid if I slow down now I might lose my momentum. Like an athlete at the end of the season, I too, need to keep training to stay in the game.
Since I will no longer have professors to answer to, I’m going to need tools to keep me focused, on track and writing: Calendars and spreadsheets and timers and anything else I can get my hands on to keep me accountable to ME.
Jokingly (well, maybe just a little serious), I asked one of my favorite professors to create an app that would give me a weekly kick in the pants to make sure I’m writing. So far it’s a no-go.
You would think that after graduating this coming May I would want a much-needed break. But the truth is I don’t want to step off the merry-go-round. I just wouldn’t mind if it slowed down a little.
Besides, left to my own devices I know I would squander away precious time doing BuzzFeed quizzes. (FYI: I channel Rachel Green from Friend’s when decorating, I shouldn’t be trusted around plants that require water and I have the personality of cheese. The highlight? Rihanna is my spirit animal. At least I’ve got that going for me.)
No one is better than me at turning a simple task into an all day event. So I signed up for an online humor writing class that begins – of course! – on the last day final papers are due, to help ease my way back into civilian life.
It’s crazy, I know.
But this class isn’t offered very often and sometimes you just have to say ‘yes’ when an opportunity presents itself.
The good thing is that I’ll be writing. Not waiting or hoping for my muse to inspire me. Just good old butt in chair, getting it done.
[…] I can hardly wrap my head around how fast this last year went, now that graduation is almost here. And I am beginning to get excited about all the free time I will have. […]