I ask a lot of questions. Always have. Just ask my sister who had to listen to my “What if?”and “What’s your favorite…” or “What would you choose?” 24/7.
It should come as no surprise that I have always loved reading the Proust Questionnaire in the back of Vanity Fair magazine. I thought it would be fun to create my own.
I would be delighted if you shared your answers with me below. And feel free to add some of your own questions too.
21 Questions:
1. Tea or coffee?
2. Salty or sweet?
3. Last book you read?
4. Shopping online or in the flesh?
5. Best blogging/writing/social media advice youโve ever given or received?
6. Cupcake or ice cream?
7. Name one thing you regret?
8. Ideal Sunday morning?
9. Vacation destination: Mountains or beach
10. What are you most proud of?
11. Favorite type of bagel?
12. Who would you most want to be stuck in an elevator with?
13. Most important quality in a friend?
14. What you would most want to change about yourself?
15. Talent you wish you had?
16. Biggest fear?
17. Number #1 on your Bucket List?
18. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
19. Men: Boxers or briefs?
20. Women: The one beauty/makeup item you can’t live without?
21. One word that describes you best?
I ask a lot of questions, too! Coffee. Songwriter. Egg. Here’s my questions – What questions am I answering?
1. Tea or coffee? coffee summer tea winter
2. Salty or sweet? sweet
3. Last book you read? it was a sex manual for an alternative website I’m helping with
4. Shopping online or in the flesh? online all the way
5. Best blogging/writing/social media advice youโve ever given or received? “engage”
6. Cupcake or ice cream? ice cream
7. Name one thing you regret? I can’t remember, I don’t regret.
8. Ideal Sunday morning? getting up having a cup of tea/coffee with breakfast and going back to bed for sex
9. Vacation destination: Mountains or beach beach
10. What are you most proud of? My sons’ resilience
11. Favorite type of bagel? Won’t eat bagels too many carbs.
12. Who would you most want to be stuck in an elevator with? Mr. C because he is an engineering genius and would get us out of the elevator
13. Most important quality in a friend? Loyalty
14. What you would most want to change about yourself? I would like to be more successful
15. Talent you wish you had? singing
16. Biggest fear? snakes
17. Number #1 on your Bucket List? a summer in the French or Spanish countryside
18. What side of the bed do you sleep on? the middle
19. Men: Boxers or briefs? nothing
20. Women: The one beauty/makeup item you canโt live without? mascera
21. One word that describes you best? Creative
1) Sweet tea
2) both
3) this philosophy book, cant remember what it’s called
4) both
5) How to do screen recording with good audio
6) Ice cake
7) Cursing a close relative, who tragically died soon after ๐
8) Wake up, go to church, eat breakfast in the car, get back home, do some HW, then play Fifa/ other games and then watch anime, before going on Youtube, so that I can comment my opinion on Youtube, before making a cringe Youtube video. ๐
9) both
10) I used to be proud of my singing voice, but for the last couple of months, I have lost a lot of my high notes and now I sound trash, so now, probably my Youtube channel (DanDAlittleMan)
11) Salmon and cream cheese bagel
12) Logan Paul (don’t ask y)
13) Having an open mind and doing things, based of logics and the kindness of their heart ๐
14) I would like to be able to have greater wisdom and a greater understanding of the world, the universe, God and everything objectively, because as an individual, it is hard to view things objectively, when everything you think/do is through your own subjective perspective.
15) Only for my singing to be good again, otherwise, im grateful for what I do have.
16) Honestly, im afraid of many things. What I fear the most is ceasing to exist in away way or being conscious, but being unable to do anything. So, sometimes when I wake up, for the first 10 minutes, I can slightly see the world around me and I want to “wake up”, so I try to get up, but cant move, even though I know I’m technically sleeping, because my body is so tired. It is so scary, not being able to move a muscle for ages, while being fully conscious. It is a similar haunting sensation, to being buried underground, it scares me very much if I were to be buried underground ๐
17) Have the greatest positive impact on the world as I can.
18) I sleep in the middle.
19) Boxers
20) NA
21) Fatasian (Fat + Asian)
Thanks for sharing Daniel!