My little blog probably feels like the youngest child. The one always waiting its turn, getting stuck with hand-me-downs, you know, the only one without an adorable baby book because mom had her hands full. But don’t worry, I’m still writing! It’s been a minute since I last posted. A lot has happened since then. […]
A Few Of My Favorite Things
I’m baaack! And I’m sharing a few of my favorite things. I hope you’re all doing well and having a great summer! It’s been a while since I’ve posted on CG. I’ve been doing more freelance writing and I haven’t spent as much time here, and I’m sorry. I’ve missed you all so much and I’m […]
Holiday Gift Exchange Parties Aren’t For Sissies
Last year I experienced my first holiday gift exchange party. And I learned something valuable: Niceness doesn’t win. Niceness won’t get you the wine cooler. It doesn’t get you the 6-pack of tomatillo hot sauce or the 5 tropical flavored margarita mix. But what it will give you is the bird feeder that nobody wants.
Why It’s Important To Get The Pneumonia Vaccine
Pneumonia is a scary word and not just because it’s hard to spell. According to the National Foundation for Infection Diseases the U.S., each year, one million adults will contract pneumonia, and 400,000 will end up hospitalized, of those hospitalized 5-7% of them will die. The percentage is even higher if you’re over 65. I […]
Great Tips And Resources For Publishing Personal Essays
Writers and bloggers frequently ask me how and where to publish their personal essays. I am always extremely flattered they reached out to me and always eager to share what I know. So much of what I’ve learned over the years is from generous souls who gladly shared information so that others could get ahead. I […]
What You Need To Know For College Move-In Day
College move-in day is one of the greatest milestones in your child’s life. It’s up there with baby’s first steps, the first day of Kindergarten, and graduation. It’s thrilling, exciting, and stressful, and you’ll probably be wondering how on earth you’ll fit all this stuff into your child’s tiny matchbook-size dorm room? Have no fear. […]
Summer Reading, Had Me A Blast
Summer slipped by so fast that my head is spinning. And frankly, I’m not sure where the time went. All I know is that I’m looking at adorable back-to-school photos online, trying to wrap my head around the fact that fall is just weeks away. The days are going too fast. You too? The good […]
Two Graduations, A Book, And The Freshman 15
It might seem like I’ve been quiet around here, but I’ve actually been as busy as an ant at a picnic. This is what I’ve been up to … I got a master’s degree! Yippie! And I wore what felt like an academic superhero outfit – complete with cape, cap and tassel. It was a […]
Change Is Good
Change is good. Words I never thought I’d say. I’m not saying I am averse to change, I’m saying just the thought of change – of any kind – used to give me the heebie-jeebies. Routine is predictable. Routine feels good. Routine is a nice warm blanket and a cup of hot cocoa. Don’t get me wrong, […]
I Like Routines, I Cannot Lie
When you’ve spent as much time on this earth as I have you learn a few things about yourself. Not only am I at the “comfortable-shoe” stage of my life – which means I’ve accumulated a certain amount of wisdom, crow’s-feet and perimenupuasal pounds – but I’ve discovered something I never knew about myself during […]
Steps In The Right Direction
I obsessively check my cell phone. Not just for the latest text, email or ping on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. But for my steps. My iPhone double-duties as a means of connecting with others and keeping me honest about how much I move my body. As a writer and (soon-to-be graduating!) graduate student, I spend […]