College move-in day is one of the greatest milestones in your child’s life. It’s up there with baby’s first steps, the first day of Kindergarten, and graduation. It’s thrilling, exciting, and stressful, and you’ll probably be wondering how on earth you’ll fit all this stuff into your child’s tiny matchbook-size dorm room? Have no fear. […]
Two Graduations, A Book, And The Freshman 15
It might seem like I’ve been quiet around here, but I’ve actually been as busy as an ant at a picnic. This is what I’ve been up to … I got a master’s degree! Yippie! And I wore what felt like an academic superhero outfit – complete with cape, cap and tassel. It was a […]
The Real Reason I Don’t Want To See Photos Of Your Kids On Facebook
I don’t want to see photos of your kids on Facebook. I don’t want to see photos of them on Instagram or Snapchat either. You know, the ones on the first day of school. Absolutely adorable standing at the bus stop or on your front steps with their brand spanking new backpacks, shiny lunch boxes, […]
Books to read while hiding from your family this holiday season. Just kidding! (Not really.)
Just in case you find a few hours to yourself this holiday season, whether on a plane, or perhaps, hiding in the closet when family visits so you can avoid post-election mayhem (preferably with a glass of wine or other beverage of choice), here are some books you might like that have been sitting on […]
The New Kid In Class
At the end of this summer, when all the cute little kiddies toting lunch boxes and backpacks went back to school, and parents of college students bid their tearful goodbyes, someone else went back to school. Someone older. Someone SO MUCH OLDER… ME! You heard right. Careful what you wish for… For nearly two decades […]
High School: It Was More Than Just Braces And Big Hair
My 35th high school reunion is coming up next year (gulp!), so when reached out to me to try out their site and write about my experience I jumped at the chance, because I’m nothing if not sentimental. I hopped online and within seconds created a profile and my high school yearbook magically appeared […]
9 Tips For Surviving And Thriving In Your Empty Nest
For many parents, one of the toughest and most bittersweet parts of parenting is saying goodbye and letting their little birdies fly from the nest. We’re filled with pride and excitement, and yes, sadness too. Often parents feel like they’ve been fired from a job they’ve loved, toiled, and devoted their lives to and often […]
Preparing Your Kids For College Is Not A Feat For The Faint Of Heart
When I began blogging six years ago I never would have believed that one day my writing would be featured on one of my favorite parenting blogs: The Washington Post’s On Parenting. It is an honor and a dream come true to see my name on the page. (I’m still pinching myself!) Parents of soon-to-be […]
It’s Almost Summer, Does Your Kid Have A Job Yet? Expert Advice To Help You Make It Happen
My youngest child is graduating college in a few weeks and after months of scouring the internet, sending out resumes, and interviewing up the wazoo, landed a full-time job which begins this summer. Can I hear a hallelujah?! It’s not easy securing an internship or graduating with a job. I’ve seen it first hand as […]
15 Things I Miss Most Now That My Kids Are Grown
Looking at all the first day of school photos and precious holiday photos posted on Facebook and Instagram last fall, I can’t help but feel nostalgic and miss my kids’ younger years. Seeing the first few photos of smiling faces at the bus stop, in front of school, a menorah or a tree, I find […]
Freshman Drop Off Is Not The Real Goodbye
If you think freshman drop off was hard, think again. All those Bed, Bath & Beyond runs and pillow fluffing were child’s play. That’s right, the big shebang isn’t at drop off, it comes later. At least four years later. When their comings and goings don’t lead them back home again, but to jobs and […]