When I began blogging six years ago I never would have believed that one day my writing would be featured on one of my favorite parenting blogs: The Washington Post’s On Parenting. It is an honor and a dream come true to see my name on the page. (I’m still pinching myself!) Parents of soon-to-be […]
My Biggest Parenting Mistake Is One I Still Struggle With
The biggest of the parenting mistakes I made during my first year of motherhood is the same one I struggle with 20 years later. I am too rigid, too uptight. In fact, I’m so tightly wound I’m wondering when a spring might literally pop out of my head.
10 Universal Truths Of Parenting A Teenager
Most parents of typical toddlers are constantly challenged, mentally drained, and extremely exhausted. Not much changes when you’re raising a teenager. Though unlike the “Terrible Two’s,” teenagers are extremely verbal and, while you will still hear the emphatic “NO,” are like well-versed little lawyers: ready, willing, and able to defend or plead their case. […]
The 15 Best College Movies To See Before You Go To College
Movie night is a big deal in our home. When our kids were in high school and especially during the summers before we shipped them off to college, we became obsessed with watching movies about college. So, whether you’re in college, on your way to college, or simply reminiscing about some of the best days […]
My New Year’s Resolution? Talk on the phone
Years ago, if I misbehaved, missed a curfew, or brought home a less than ideal report card, privileges would be taken away. If I was really naughty (so hard to imagine!) I would be grounded. No TV, no friends on the weekend, nothing. Nada. However, the worst punishment by far was when my phone privileges […]
Shopping for College & Getting Ready For Move In Day
Congratulations, your child is going to college! Now you must face the task of shopping for the dorm room. It is a special time for parents and their college bound kids and a wonderful opportunity for more bonding as they’re headed out the door. Some kids will be excited to shop for their new digs, […]
Just When You Get Used To The Empty Nest, They Come Home To Visit
Family time, especially mealtime, has always been precious to us, but even more so now that College-Boy and Mini-Me are pursuing higher education thousands of miles away and we are feathering our empty nest. Catching a glimpse of their smiling face is no longer something we can do by simply walking down the hall or […]