The biggest of the parenting mistakes I made during my first year of motherhood is the same one I struggle with 20 years later. I am too rigid, too uptight. In fact, I’m so tightly wound I’m wondering when a spring might literally pop out of my head.
10 Universal Truths Of Parenting A Teenager
Most parents of typical toddlers are constantly challenged, mentally drained, and extremely exhausted. Not much changes when you’re raising a teenager. Though unlike the “Terrible Two’s,” teenagers are extremely verbal and, while you will still hear the emphatic “NO,” are like well-versed little lawyers: ready, willing, and able to defend or plead their case. […]
My Fall Reading List
Fall is here, the kids are back in school, and there is no better way to enjoy the cooler days and blustery nights than grabbing a glass of wine and reading a good book. So check out this list, get cozy and start reading. Hot Toddy’s optional. Not Your Mother’s Book On Family edited by […]
Getting comfortable with a little me time
What a bizarre concept…To begin finding time for me, when its been all about them. For the last 20 years, 21 if you count the pregnancy, (and my body was clearly not my own!) it’s been all about my husband and kids (and not necessarily in that order).