When I began blogging six years ago I never would have believed that one day my writing would be featured on one of my favorite parenting blogs: The Washington Post’s On Parenting. It is an honor and a dream come true to see my name on the page. (I’m still pinching myself!) Parents of soon-to-be […]
Living Out Loud In My Second Half: I’ve Come A Long Way, Baby!
Learning to live out loud in my second half wasn’t originally my goal, but it happened anyway. I pretty much spent a lifetime fluffing the pillows in my cushy comfort zone. But all that changed four years ago when I took a chance as the empty nest began to creep up on me. Fueled by […]
College Moms Share Their Empty Nest Stories – The Good, The Bad, And The Laundry
Not long ago, when I had a freshman in college and a sophomore in high school, the reality of becoming an empty nester was looming. I had no idea what living in an empty nest would be like. After years of stay-at-home-mothering, filled with action-packed days and nights, grocery shopping, school volunteering, chauffeuring, and laundry, […]
Hurray, You’re Now An Empty Nester
The days are warm, long and sultry, and my schedule is definitely looser, but that doesn’t mean life is without stress. For the first time in two years, both kids are living at home for the summer and while there are sweet moments of bliss having all the beds filled, it isn’t without turmoil and […]
Just When You Get Used To The Empty Nest, They Come Home To Visit
Family time, especially mealtime, has always been precious to us, but even more so now that College-Boy and Mini-Me are pursuing higher education thousands of miles away and we are feathering our empty nest. Catching a glimpse of their smiling face is no longer something we can do by simply walking down the hall or […]
Getting comfortable with a little me time
What a bizarre concept…To begin finding time for me, when its been all about them. For the last 20 years, 21 if you count the pregnancy, (and my body was clearly not my own!) it’s been all about my husband and kids (and not necessarily in that order).
Backpacks and College Apps and SAT’s, Oh My!
Every year when my kids go back to school, the feeling is bittersweet. I’m sad to see the lazy days of summer go and the relaxed attitude of the kids, but I do breathe a long sigh of relief (Ok, it’s more of a “Yippie!”) when I drop them off on their first day of […]