When I was in high school I realized my afternoon dance-a-thons in front of a full-length mirror in my bedroom weren’t keeping me in the girlish shape of my prepubescent youth. Refusing to give up cafeteria glazed donuts, I needed a plan. So I started running. In the 1980s we called it jogging. Use the […]
High School: It Was More Than Just Braces And Big Hair
My 35th high school reunion is coming up next year (gulp!), so when Classmates.com reached out to me to try out their site and write about my experience I jumped at the chance, because I’m nothing if not sentimental. I hopped online and within seconds created a profile and my high school yearbook magically appeared […]
Surviving a High School Junior’s Final Exams-One Mother’s Story
Final exams are coming up in three weeks. Mini-me’s high school JUNIOR YEAR finals! And do you know what that means? The fun is over. We go into DEFCON 4 total lock-down mode. We did this last December, too. I barely survived. I stopped watching Glee, Khloe & Lamar, and 90210 as an act of […]
Backpacks and College Apps and SAT’s, Oh My!
Every year when my kids go back to school, the feeling is bittersweet. I’m sad to see the lazy days of summer go and the relaxed attitude of the kids, but I do breathe a long sigh of relief (Ok, it’s more of a “Yippie!”) when I drop them off on their first day of […]