I don’t want to see photos of your kids on Facebook. I don’t want to see photos of them on Instagram or Snapchat either. You know, the ones on the first day of school. Absolutely adorable standing at the bus stop or on your front steps with their brand spanking new backpacks, shiny lunch boxes, […]
When Life Gives You Lemons
There are times in life that I need a little extra boost of confidence or encouragement. Like when I get a rejection from a bucket list publication. Or a project falls through. Or the scale keeps going up no matter how much I diet. This is when I seek the type of encouragement that borders […]
Bonding Over Shopping And Sports
Many mothers and fathers bond with their sons and daughters through sports. Some go to games together. Some toss balls together. Some huddle together in front of the TV. When my son turns on a basketball game or football game on TV in our den, I sit down on the couch to watch it with […]
Preparing Your Kids For College Is Not A Feat For The Faint Of Heart
When I began blogging six years ago I never would have believed that one day my writing would be featured on one of my favorite parenting blogs: The Washington Post’s On Parenting. It is an honor and a dream come true to see my name on the page. (I’m still pinching myself!) Parents of soon-to-be […]
15 Things I Miss Most Now That My Kids Are Grown
Looking at all the first day of school photos and precious holiday photos posted on Facebook and Instagram last fall, I can’t help but feel nostalgic and miss my kids’ younger years. Seeing the first few photos of smiling faces at the bus stop, in front of school, a menorah or a tree, I find […]
My Biggest Parenting Mistake Is One I Still Struggle With
The biggest of the parenting mistakes I made during my first year of motherhood is the same one I struggle with 20 years later. I am too rigid, too uptight. In fact, I’m so tightly wound I’m wondering when a spring might literally pop out of my head.
Freshman Drop Off Is Not The Real Goodbye
If you think freshman drop off was hard, think again. All those Bed, Bath & Beyond runs and pillow fluffing were child’s play. That’s right, the big shebang isn’t at drop off, it comes later. At least four years later. When their comings and goings don’t lead them back home again, but to jobs and […]
It’s My Party And I’ll Cry If I Want To
My favorite magazines as a young girl were, of course, Tiger Beat, with all the latest heartthrobs, and Cosmopolitan, with their racy covers. Most of my allowance went towards purchasing these magazines, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, and lip-gloss. I eventually outgrew Tiger Beat, but Cosmo remained a staple for a long time. (Reese’s and lip […]
Dorm Shopping Dos and Don’ts
Acceptances have been received, deposits have been made, your child is going off to college in just a matter of weeks. In fact, you’re probably wearing a t-shirt bearing the name of their soon-to-be alma mater. Congratulations! You and your freshman have worked years to get to this place. They’ve studied. You’ve worried. (Maybe that […]
10 Universal Truths Of Parenting A Teenager
Most parents of typical toddlers are constantly challenged, mentally drained, and extremely exhausted. Not much changes when you’re raising a teenager. Though unlike the “Terrible Two’s,” teenagers are extremely verbal and, while you will still hear the emphatic “NO,” are like well-versed little lawyers: ready, willing, and able to defend or plead their case. […]
Life Lessons From Judge Judy
I recently had the opportunity to hear Judge Judy speak at a women’s event. I admit, I don’t watch The Judge Judy show which has been on air for 20 years, but I heard she is quite the character and a dynamic speaker, so I was eager to go. She did not disappoint. I left […]