There are times in life that I need a little extra boost of confidence or encouragement. Like when I get a rejection from a bucket list publication. Or a project falls through. Or the scale keeps going up no matter how much I diet. This is when I seek the type of encouragement that borders […]
I’ve Been Called Many Things, Sporty Isn’t One Of Them
If you found yourself on this page, rest assured I haven’t gone all sporty on you and joined a team. No, no, no. That would never happen. I might break a nail. Those of you dear readers who keep up with me, know that I’ve gone back to school. And I thought you might be […]
My Favorite Books I’ve Read This Month
Whether book lover or wordsmith, humorist or romantic, each book will delight, entertain, provoke, and inspire. Another thing they share? They are all wonderful books for writers. Happy reading! The Big Book of Parenting Tweets-Featuring the Most Hilarious Parents on Twitter: From the clever gals who created the blogs you love: Science of Parenthood and […]
I Have Officially Jumped On The NaBloPoMo Crazy Train
Sometimes I get this what-the-heck feeling, to throw all caution to the wind, and jump into something completely insane. I was feeling the itch to get back to my blogging roots. That first year of endless delights every time I clicked “publish.” Once you’ve been blogging for a while your blog may not always feel […]
Writer’s Block: When Life Gets In The Way Of Inspiration
Some mornings I can’t wait to jump out of bed to write, even if it’s just a Facebook or Twitter update. And some days, well, I feel I’ve lost touch with my writing mojo – that spark to create something that excites me. I forget this is my playground that I created and I can […]