If you found yourself on this page, rest assured I haven’t gone all sporty on you and joined a team. No, no, no. That would never happen. I might break a nail. Those of you dear readers who keep up with me, know that I’ve gone back to school. And I thought you might be […]
Books to read while hiding from your family this holiday season. Just kidding! (Not really.)
Just in case you find a few hours to yourself this holiday season, whether on a plane, or perhaps, hiding in the closet when family visits so you can avoid post-election mayhem (preferably with a glass of wine or other beverage of choice), here are some books you might like that have been sitting on […]
The New Kid In Class
At the end of this summer, when all the cute little kiddies toting lunch boxes and backpacks went back to school, and parents of college students bid their tearful goodbyes, someone else went back to school. Someone older. Someone SO MUCH OLDER… ME! You heard right. Careful what you wish for… For nearly two decades […]