Today is Day 4 of #NaBloPoMo. For your enjoyment I present to you the 1988 Crystal Light National Aerobic Championship Opening. If this doesn’t get you smiling and your heart pumping, I don’t know what will. Before there was Tae Bo, before there was Zumba…there was Jazzercise. This video basically shows what aerobics classes were […]
When Your Cups Runneth Over
Apparently, I’m wearing the wrong size bra. And, to my chagrin, have been for years. This little nugget came to me while in the dressing room at a local swanky store known for it’s lingerie department. Where the saleswomen are skilled, overzealous, and without any concept of modesty. The young, perky saleswoman, let’s call her […]
I Have Officially Jumped On The NaBloPoMo Crazy Train
Sometimes I get this what-the-heck feeling, to throw all caution to the wind, and jump into something completely insane. I was feeling the itch to get back to my blogging roots. That first year of endless delights every time I clicked “publish.” Once you’ve been blogging for a while your blog may not always feel […]