It might seem like I’ve been quiet around here, but I’ve actually been as busy as an ant at a picnic. This is what I’ve been up to … I got a master’s degree! Yippie! And I wore what felt like an academic superhero outfit – complete with cape, cap and tassel. It was a […]
The Real Reason I Don’t Want To See Photos Of Your Kids On Facebook
I don’t want to see photos of your kids on Facebook. I don’t want to see photos of them on Instagram or Snapchat either. You know, the ones on the first day of school. Absolutely adorable standing at the bus stop or on your front steps with their brand spanking new backpacks, shiny lunch boxes, […]
Bonding Over Shopping And Sports
Many mothers and fathers bond with their sons and daughters through sports. Some go to games together. Some toss balls together. Some huddle together in front of the TV. When my son turns on a basketball game or football game on TV in our den, I sit down on the couch to watch it with […]
What’s So Special About The Super Bowl?
Super Bowl Sunday. The day that football fans of all ages look forward to all year. And in our home, it’s no different. Super Bowl is family time. While my husband and son plant themselves on the couch to watch the big game, I sit at my desk a few feet away and put my […]
Slow Starts, Guilty Pleasures, And One Word Resolutions
2015 began with a slower start than I had planned. Usually, I hurl myself into the new year with renewed vim and vigor and a To-Do List a mile long. My body and mind tingling from the excitement of a new beginning and probably too much caffeine. But I was sidelined… Unplugging from most of […]
What I’m Most Thankful For On Thanksgiving – Aside From Not Having To Cook
Around this time of year, I start pulling out the few Thanksgiving decorations I own. Two stuffed turkeys, a bendable pilgrim and a few little pumpkins. They are all very cutesy and my kids like to tell me they’ve outgrown them, but Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays and I can’t help but get […]
Memories of a “Daddy’s Girl”
I think a lot about my dad at this time of year and I become very nostalgic. He had a way of making everyday feel special. If I were granted one holiday wish, it would be that my father were still alive, so he could meet his precious grandchildren. I know he would have been […]