I don’t want to see photos of your kids on Facebook. I don’t want to see photos of them on Instagram or Snapchat either. You know, the ones on the first day of school. Absolutely adorable standing at the bus stop or on your front steps with their brand spanking new backpacks, shiny lunch boxes, […]
10 Things Only A Mother Could Say
My beautiful, funny, spirited Mom turned 83 this year. In honor of her – because every day should be Mother’s Day, right? – I would like to share some of her “mommy wisdom.” Though we didn’t always see eye to eye, her words are worth their weight in gold. Thanks Mom for caring. I love […]
Fear of Flying: Sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. Yeah, right!
Sitting at 36,000 feet above ground is not my favorite place to be. It takes a lot to get me airborne. The twenty-four hours before any flight is filled with tremendous anxiety and a need to finish every project ever imagined. I’m like a whirling dervish, coordinating and packing my tiny carry-on at the very […]
Surviving a High School Junior’s Final Exams-One Mother’s Story
Final exams are coming up in three weeks. Mini-me’s high school JUNIOR YEAR finals! And do you know what that means? The fun is over. We go into DEFCON 4 total lock-down mode. We did this last December, too. I barely survived. I stopped watching Glee, Khloe & Lamar, and 90210 as an act of […]
Backpacks and College Apps and SAT’s, Oh My!
Every year when my kids go back to school, the feeling is bittersweet. I’m sad to see the lazy days of summer go and the relaxed attitude of the kids, but I do breathe a long sigh of relief (Ok, it’s more of a “Yippie!”) when I drop them off on their first day of […]