My head is still swirling in BlogHer fog, but my spirit is bursting with enthusiasm. I went to BlogHer nervous, scared and not knowing what to expect. An event of 4,000+ is really not my cup of tea. But some amazing things happened that changed how I see myself. I’m a big girl now. The […]
10 Best Travel Tips: Bathrooms to Speedos. Yes, I went there.
Summer is a very special time in my home now that both kids are in college. For nine months they live across the country and I parent from afar. But summer brings them back to me and for three months I have a full house again, and I’m full swing into mommy-mode, and there is […]
Fear of Flying: Sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. Yeah, right!
Sitting at 36,000 feet above ground is not my favorite place to be. It takes a lot to get me airborne. The twenty-four hours before any flight is filled with tremendous anxiety and a need to finish every project ever imagined. I’m like a whirling dervish, coordinating and packing my tiny carry-on at the very […]