My favorite magazines as a young girl were, of course, Tiger Beat, with all the latest heartthrobs, and Cosmopolitan, with their racy covers. Most of my allowance went towards purchasing these magazines, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, and lip-gloss. I eventually outgrew Tiger Beat, but Cosmo remained a staple for a long time. (Reese’s and lip gloss are still high on my list.)
So you can imagine my thrill at having my first piece up on It is a writer’s and card-carrying Cosmo Girl’s dream come true. This is where I spill the beans, maybe even a few tears, about something you probably don’t know about me. Perhaps you feel the same way?
I Cry Over Pretty Much Everything
“Mom,” my daughter said, “why are you crying?”
“It’s just … so beautiful,” I said, wiping away tears.
“It’s just a commercial.” Major eye-roll.
So, I’m a crier. There, I said it. I can’t help that I’m deeply touched by babies, and puppies, tearful good-byes, and grandfathers holding their grandchildren’s pudgy little hands while they take their first wobbly steps.
I cry during movie trailers and commercials, to the embarrassment of my children, which is why comedies are my go-to. I am too easily moved by life’s hard knocks. Somewhere deep inside is my raw, beating heart, aware of all the sadness and pain that exists in the world and always ready to spring forth a geyser from my eyes at the mention of someone’s pain or loneliness or bad fortune. It’s not uncommon to see tears streaming down my cheeks during a good book either. I’m an equal-opportunity crier.
First, CONGRATS on your article in Cosmo!!! Fantastic. Second, I too, am a crier. And I think now, I love that about me. I am easily manipulated into seeing the touching, sentimental part of life and so be it. Thank God for criers….otherwise we’d all be a bunch of insensitive jerks, and there’s certainly enough of them!
I am so proud of you, lovely Linda, and being in Cosmo is so well-deserved. Helen Gurley Brown should be grateful that they finally got smart enough to publish a piece of yours!
Crying? It’s my #1 favorite sport. At everything! I knew there was a reason we instantly liked each other.
Congratulations on Cosmo. xo
That’s fantastic! Congrats Linda!
And OMG – I’m a crier too. Commercials, trailers, movies – including kids’ movies, you should have seen the sobfest I displayed for my children at Inside Out. I’m hopeless. So glad to know I’m not the only one.
Mazel tov to you, my talented friend! I also have a long relationship with Cosmo (as a reader) so I can appreciate your excitement. Love this piece and oh boy can I relate. I cry at Disney movies.
How tremendously exciting! And I am a cryer, too. Totally. Yep, me.
Congrats on Cosmo! How exciting! I love your post and can relate to it so well that I’m crying tears of happiness for you 🙂
Love this. I never had this problem until I had kids. Ugh. One more thing I can blame them for 😉
I loved this post – congratulations on the feature, this is an awesome accomplishment…now pass the tissues!
Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments! So glad to know I’m in such good company. xo
Mazal Tov on the piece.