Pneumonia is a scary word and not just because it’s hard to spell. According to the National Foundation for Infection Diseases the U.S., each year, one million adults will contract pneumonia, and 400,000 will end up hospitalized, of those hospitalized 5-7% of them will die. The percentage is even higher if you’re over 65. I […]
It’s Okay To Age, Just Don’t Tell Anyone
I was at a dinner party recently, chatting up a small group of men and women, all of us around the same age, when someone made a joke about aging. My ears perked and I blurted that I had turned The Big 5-O. They were stunned. Sadly, not for the reason I had hoped. A […]
Aging Gracefully? Oh, Hell No!
In a few short months I have a birthday coming up. No, it’s not the big one. But, I’m getting so close I can almost feel it’s hot breath whispering in my ear. I am holding onto my 40’s by a thread. When the day comes that I do turn 50 – I mean 49+1 […]