Chris Erskine, my favorite humor columnist and L.A. resident wordsmith, writes The L.A. Time’s The Middle Ages. I have been following his clever, delightful, hilarious articles for years.
His Saturday pieces about himself and his family have always left me in stitches and inspired me as a parent and a writer. So when I came across his piece on his coffee and twitter addictions – great minds think alike! – I retweeted it from my cell phone, after I carefully, lovingly, and with the utmost deference, crafted a clever title.
Which he then retweeted.
I am in Twitter heaven. It. Doesn’t. Get. Better. Than. This.
To which I then tweeted this and began making a complete fool of myself.
But whatever.
And then he followed ME. To which I followed HIM.
I might never wipe down my phone again…
Well Ruth wrote a few days ago about the importance of laughter..and overtime I show up over here I find myself laughing, if not snorting, out loud. I love your sense of humor. And I don’t care if we have to do a group Skype, that champagne is a must.
Thank you, Elin! I’m so happy you’re enjoying yourself over here 🙂
Yes, a Skype champagne celebration is a must! Mine is chilling as we speak.
Wow. That was Twitter Magic. How fun. I haven’t heard of him and I’ll have to read his stuff.
It took me an awfully long time to figure out twitter, but now that i am getting it I love it..
Don’t you love how small the world has become with Twitter? Let’s celebrate with champagne together. When Arlene Alda (wife of Alan) began to not only follow me but “chat” with me I was, and still am, in heaven. I have great respect for her in her own right. We were not as funny as you, but champagne is still in order!
Oh how cool! I just love that feeling of Twitter bliss when I feel noticed!And I love that you put your oh so uniquely Linda twist on the situation!
Twitter. Don’t get me started!
Wow. That was Twitter magic at its best. Yay for you. I’ll have to look him up and read.
Wouldn’t it be fabulous if he blogged about how you were following him?
Twitter can be so much fun. I am always so excited when someone I admire retweets and follows me. Yes, it’s the little things …
I was about to give up on Twitter after 2 weeks and then received a response from one of my favorite authors, Hugh Howey. We exchanged a few Tweets about a graphic novel of his and I felt the exact same way you did. I was so excited I had to do a post about it too.
I was about to give up on Twitter after 2 weeks and then received a response from one of my favorite authors, Hugh Howey. We exchanged a few Tweets about a graphic novel of his and I felt the exact same way you did. I was so excited I had to do a post about it too.
See what happend when you write everyday and have to go out of your zone? What happens is that chris Erskin gets tons of new followers. 🙂