I picked an interesting month to take on the National Blog Post Month challenge. This happens to be an unusually busy month for me personally, with a lot of commitments weighing heavily on me, and, as usual, not enough sleep.
Cranking out a daily blog post, for me, feels rushed, premature, and honestly, stressful. But, because it is so hard is why I want to do it. (It makes me feel like a Ninja.)
If I can get through the month of November without losing my sanity or having my family and friends disown me, it will be a victory. It’s been three weeks since I’ve had a Diet Coke, so I’ve got this.
Challenges are good. Being uncomfortable is good. Stretching myself is good. Twenty-one more days of this feels like torture is a challenge I gladly accept.
Here are a few things I dream about doing once this month is over:
1) Go for a spa day. (Okay, I don’t really have the patience to be in a spa all day, but, I’ll settle happily for a facial or massage, as long as they promise not to get any gook in my hair.)
2) Lie on the couch and do nothing but aimlessly push the buttons on the TV remote.
3) Go to the pet store and play with puppies.
4) Shop online in my pajamas ALL. MORNING. LONG.
5) Talk on the phone without rushing to get off.
6) Play Candy Crush. (I don’t even play Candy Crush.)
7) Stare at a flower until all the petals fall off. (Zen, right?)
8) Decorate my house for the holidays. (Removing Pilgrims and pumpkins and putting up tinsel, dreidels and menorahs.)
9) Write a blog post without any urgency to click “publish.”
10) Celebrate with a bottle of champagne. Cheers!
I absolutely relate to this. I was asking myself this morning why in the world I thought this was a good idea during an insanely busy month with more writing commitments than I’ve ever had. I love all 10 of these items, including #6, and I don’t play Candy Crush, either. Hang in there and keep on keeping on. Thanks for the inspiration!
I will join you with the champagne, cheers!
I thought about doing NaBloPoMo this year, but I was so stressed at the end of November last year I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I need to nurture what little sanity I have left.
The grass is always greener on the other side….knowing you – you would do all 10 of these things before the day was out – then sit there and say – what’s next?
I need this challenge – how do you get invited?
Let me know when you’re going to start working on this list and I’ll fly out to join you!
I think that champagne with a side of really good chocolate might make November go much smoother…do we have to wait?
I always rush to get off the phone, solidarity lady.
I know. Right. They pile all this on in November. Don’t start playing Candy Crush. It’s like heroin. You’ll be selling family heirlooms to pass more levels.
That Candy Crush thing? Nahh. I’m with you on the others, though!
Thanks so much for shedding light on WHY (Why? Why? Why?) we do this every November — because we are NINJAS! Once I have a minute, like on 12/1, I’m going to buy myself a Ninja costume! LOL.
I’m so glad we are all in this together. Otherwise, I would have given up days ago.
You are cracking me up! Whoever picked November for this was a sadist. I’ll meet you at the spa on December 1.
Love this list. I’ve been impressed by the half dozen or so bloggers whom I read who are publishing every day. Frankly it is a big chore to read all the posts and comment on most of them AND write my own blog AND live my life! But I like the ‘support’ role. And I hope that all you NaBloPoMo’ers appreciate all my comments and someday return the favor.
Playing with puppies sounds to me like the very best way to go. Perhaps even adopting one from a shelter. Hey, that way you could stay in your jammies next time you need puppy petting time.
I’m with you! It is hectic!!!
I have a FB group that I created specifically for this. If you want to join me let me know. You can find me in the Midlife group and shoot me a message!
I’ve been itching for a massage, reflexology type thing for weeks. I think I’ll owe it to myself in December. 🙂
LOL..good recovery list..especially the pj shopathon…
i have given up putting pressure on myself for nablopomo and just posting when i can because yeah, traveling, life and watching scandal trumps it…LOL 😉