Today is Day #30, the last day of NaBloPmo (National Blog Post Month). Remember when I joined fellow bloggers in a blog challenge to write a new blog post every single day during November? Well, if you’re reading this post…I’m officially Done. Pooped. Kaput. (You can find all of my NaBloPoMo posts here.)
There were days I didn’t think I would be able to post, because I insanely knowingly chose a month that had many MANY family commitments which would pull me in every direction.
And you know what?
But the crazy thing is that I loved every wicked adrenalin surged moment of it…when it didn’t feel like the pressure was going to kill me. And I loved (can you feel the hugs?) our #NaBloPoMo group. We bonded like it was boot-camp.
What did I learn from this challenge, you ask?
I learned that I there is a wonderfully freeing element in having to post everyday. There isn’t time to obsess or ruminate endlessly about a line or thought. I had to click publish and move on with my life. And yes, I made mistakes, but I found I didn’t beat myself up about them as I normally would. Truly liberating! Also, I always thought I was a good listener, but I think this challenge made me more aware of that one line or conversation that would inspire a post.
Do I recommend doing #NaBloPoMo?
Oh, hell yeah. It is a great way to test your mettle and push yourself beyond what feels comfortable. Normally, I start writing a piece or jot down ideas and then I like to let it sit, moving on to something else. (I have a deep draft file.) So starting and finishing something in the same day and often writing several in one day, as I did before traveling or before my kid’s Thanksgiving break, left me feeling like a wrung out dish rag. Tip? Try to have a few posts ready to go just in case life throws you a curve ball, or two.
What now?
My goal is to write at least one, ideally, two posts a week, rather than two or three a month. And stay in the mindset of writing, not over-thinking.
But, most of all…
Many thanks to those kind readers who stuck with me through thick and thin this month. I am so grateful!
If you were part of the #NaBloPoMo challenge, what did you learn and would you do it again?
Elin Stebbins Waldal says
It was fun, Linda. I actually had a much easier time this year than last. I for sure had a different mind set and didn’t stress out over it at all. Life serves up plenty of things to observe and write about. Cheers to making it and cheers also to staying in touch.
Robbie says
here’s to lessons learned!!
jamie@southmainmuse says
It is freeing to just hit publish and not have the luxury of over-thinking. No doubt that posting everyday limbers up the brain. Not that everything I posted was scintillating — or well-written, ha. But it was great to have such a supportive community no matter what level my post was. Enjoyed getting to know you better Linda.
Jackie says
i so know what you mean about hitting “publish” being liberating. Usually I obsess to the point of writing, writing, writing and not publishing. I wonder if your “draft” file is deeper than mine?
I learned that setting aside the time to write is doing more for myself than I usually do — and that is certainly something to celebrate!
Thanks for helping me on my journey!
Cathy Chester says
I was so thrilled to be on this NaBloPoMo ride with you Linda. No matter how my day is going you are always there for a good laugh and funny wisdom. You made it easier to post daily because I knew you were doing the same. I love your attitude toward life, dear friend. Thanks for sharing this month with me.
Renee Camus says
It was great fun, wasn’t it? I’m so glad I did it too, and I learned the same thing you did, among other lessons (I made a list of 10 things I learned for my final post). And I too hope to post more frequently in the future. Thanks for your company on the journey!
Lois Alter Mark says
So much fun doing this with you. You made me laugh so much, which I definitely needed! I don’t know whose bright idea it was to choose November as the big NaBloPoMo month but I’m looking forward to taking it down a notch in December and then doing it again in January. Hope you’ll join in!
Bekki Sayler says
Figures that I would hear about NaBloPoMo the day it ends! Lol! I guess there I always next year!
Well done on getting through the whole month! That is quite an accomplishment. I tend to write in bursts, but then I schedule my posts to be published at a later date. That way I have at least 1-2 posts going out each week!
Hayley Kaplan says
Congrats on making it through 30 days, Linda. I relate completely to everything you said because like you, it usually takes me quite some time before I’m ready to hit the “publish” button. I also keep meaning to have a few posts ready to go … but so far I haven’t succeeded in that department. New Year’s Resolution for me! Keep up the great work and congratulations again.
Kathryn Mayer says
congratulations — way to stick with it! very very impressed and … inspired!
Heidi Sloss says
I didn’t do it this time and given that I feel last week, broke my ankle/leg in 3 places it was good that I didn’t commit. But I did comment commit to writing comments on the blogs that I read, especially for those of you doing the challenge. Hope my small contribution was encouraging. I know how much I love comments on my blog, so I thought it would help those of you writing every day!
Tanya @ Mom's Small Victories says
I made it through NaBloPoMo too and had the same sort of mixed emotions. From not having time to mull over and spend 4 hours on a single post to the why-on-earth-did-I-do-this to myself! I am glad I did it overall as well.
Thanks for sharing with Small Victories Sunday Linkup and hope you join us again this week!