When I was a little girl I used to love playing with my dad’s glasses, pretending I was my third grade teacher or a high powered executive.
Now that I’m technically “over-the-hill” and everything is just a blur, wearing glasses has become a necessity. Whoever said, “The eyes are the first to go,” wasn’t kidding.
When I look at myself in the mirror I don’t see any lines or wrinkles because, thankfully, I can’t see that far. Occasionally, I will remember that I need to do a little maintenance, like wrangling in the eyebrows. Without my glasses they look perfect. With glasses, it looks like I need a weedwacker.
It used to be that I only needed glasses when working at my computer. Now I can’t read a menu without them. Since I usually forget to take my favorite pair out of my day bag and put into my evening bag, I came to the realization that I need several pairs of reading glasses.
Now I keep one on my nightstand for reading in bed.
I have a pair in every room and keep extras so I can pop them into any bag I use while on the go. I can’t be without them.
Even when I’m working out.
So when readers.com said they would like me to join their group of Influencers and Tastemakers and name a collection of glasses after me, The Linda, I was thrilled! (This is probably the closest I’ll ever get to having a billboard in Time Square.)
Please check out The Linda collection (has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?!) Finding the right pair of glasses has never been easy for me. I have a long, narrow face. What I love about readers.com is they have styles in many shapes and sizes, buying bathing suits and jeans should only be this easy!
Even though I think I look best in photos that are a little blurry, I don’t want to go through life not seeing crystal clear. Especially when reading the fine print.
This is a sponsored post. All opinions are mine. Photos courtesy of Mini-Me.
I was 15 or 16 when I got my first pair of glasses and on the cusp on my 40th birthday, I was told I would join the “Progressives Club”, meaning 1 prescription on my face at one time wasn’t enough and I would need to wear 3 different levels on my face at the same time because I couldn’t see up close, far away, or anything in between. One of these days, when I am wealthy, I will own a glasses wardrobe.
You look adorable in each pair!
I love The Linda Collection! You look adorable in every pair!
You and me both. Every room and my car too. But it’s fun to play with all the looks and the Linda looks fabulous!
Wow, big deal. I’d certainly but one if I didn’t need all sorts of adjustments. But very cool. Actually the name should be The Goddess collection.
I think I have five pair as well. It just recently occurred to me to keep a pair in the car. Now I don’t have an excuse when my husband asks me to check directions.
I even bought one of those fold-up pairs that can slip into a pocket.
Cute post CG.. Going to check out the Linda collection now!
Very cool! I want something named after me!
And… I just ordered a pair of bifocal readers.
Very cool. I’ll check out your glasses. I have to buy mine at Dollar Tree. I have them every 10 feet at my house.
HAHHAHA…I do the same thing. I keep readers everywhere. I bet I have a pair under your couch cushion.
Oh my gosh, what an honor! I love the photos. And I also love Anne Lamott. 9A great book to have in your pic). And I can so relate to your eyebrow dilemma.
How cool to have a collection of glasses named after you. You look good in the readers. Readers are so hip and trendy and there are so many styles. I wear progressives so I don’t get to wear readers.
I love readers.com so much! GREAT products.
Makes me feel fortunate that I can’t take my off — I blind near far and in between…. YUCK!
You are so adorable you’d look good in everything. Will have to check out The Linda collection. I have glasses in every room, in my purse and in my car. Plus I wear contacts. Yup. The eyes are going!
You are the cutest thing ever. I wish I could wear readers, but I have to have a prescription for my astigmatism. So if I lose my glasses I’m in big trouble.
This is a bit off topic, but you photograph beautifully!
Ah, I love the Linda collection. Very cool. I have glasses all over the place… in addition to the BASKET (I swear) I have on my desk, overflowing with readers and prescription ones.
The eyes do go first. Fortunately I love wearing glasses.
The eyes do go first. Fortunately I love wearing glasses.
Fun! I turned 50 a year or so ago and my eyes decided they were tired! I had to get readers to see close up too. I hate having to wear them or worse finding them.
I have too many reading glasses…and can never find ANY of them!