I’m not really writing a memoir, but if I did, these could very well be the chapter titles. Once again, I’m joining North West Mommy and her posse for their Monday Listicles. This week’s topic is 10 Chapters in a Book About Me. Here are the chapter titles of my fauxmoir, “What The Heck Was I Thinking.” Happy reading.
What The Heck Was I Thinking, Part 1
A Disco Queen Is Born
One Day You’ll Have A Kid Just Like You
Do As I Say, Not As I Do
Can’t We All Just Snuggle On The Couch And Play Nice?
The Sky Is Falling Grab A Hard Hat
What The Heck Was I Thinking, Part 2
OMG, I Had A Kid Just Like Me…Make That Two
Whaddya Mean The Kids Grow Up And Leave?!
It’s All Fine And Dandy Until Somebody Breaks A Hip
Online, Divalicious, And Got Time To Burn
The Clock Is Ticking, Get Busy While You Still Can
What would your 10 chapter titles be?
Nina says
You’re further than I am! I wouldn’t even be able to think of a title for the book let alone chapters.
Carpool Goddess says
Somehow it came to me. I think I’ve been mentally writing this one for years 😉
Kita says
Lol loved it I think the title for would be Why because kids ask that a lot.
Carpool Goddess says
I think Why is most kids favorite word!
Stasha says
You are going to give Bossy pants a run for her money. I laughed at the titles so I bet I will pee in my pants when I get my hands on the book. I also gave birth to a child like me. Ouch!
Carpool Goddess says
Thanks, Stacha! That’s the highest compliment a girl could ask for. Now all I have to do is write it! 🙂 #tinafeyismyhomegirl
Jamie@SouthMainMuse says
This was great and I am sooo at “The Clock is Ticking” point in my life. Not for getting pregnant mind you, but life is running out . . . Where do the days go?
Carpool Goddess says
Thanks, Jamie! My clock is ticking with the same speed and direction as yours. I’m like a little mouse on a treadmill chasing it’s nose.
Christina Simon says
Fun prompt! Love your titles! You should really write that book!
Carpool Goddess says
I might just do it! Thanks, Christina 🙂
Michelle Chiklis says
You had me at a Disco Queen is born. I can’t wait for you book to come out.
Carpool Goddess says
Thanks, Michelle! The titles were easy, now comes the hard part.
Walker Thornton says
I’d have to include (and probably will as I’m in the writing process) If You Were Mine, I’d Hold You Like An Egg–something a man from an online dating site wrote me–I’m positive he was one of those foreign scammer types.
Carpool Goddess says
Walker, what a great line! Thanks for coming by for a visit.
BH Mom says
Keep this up and you’ll be another starving writer. Ah well, I could use the company.
Carpool Goddess says
Good company, indeed!
Yona says
Ha! Great chapters! Love the “One Day You’ll Have A Kid Just Like You” and then….”OMG, I Had A Kid Just Like Me…Make That Two”
Carpool Goddess says
Thank you, Yona! Glad you enjoyed it.
parentwin says
I’d have to think a while to come up with my chapter titles! I could come up with ten just for the year when my kids were four. Haha. I’m here from the blog party a while back and happy I found you. Very impressive, your blog and accomplishments! Following you on Facebook, and if you get a second, I hope you’ll stop by my page and see if you like it over there, too! http://www.parentwin.com/2013/04/ultimate-blog-party-2013.html
Carpool Goddess says
Thank you for your sweet comments. Just checked out your blog. Gorgeous photos!
Stacey says
Ha! Great title list. I love that your story is two parts of what was I thinking! Perfect!
Carpool Goddess says
Thanks, Stacey. There would have been a Part 3 had the blog hop allowed 🙂
Hayley says
Bring on the book! I’m liking those chapter titles!
Carpool Goddess says
Will do, Hayley. Thanks!
Chris Carter says
OMGOSH those chapter titles are BRILLIANT!!! So glad I stopped by for the laugh. 🙂
Carpool Goddess says
Thank you, Chris! So glad you came by.
Elaine says
Where can I pre-order my copy?
Carpool Goddess says
You came to the right place 🙂
Chloe Jeffreys says
Hmmm. Here goes my attempt.
Part I
1. I’m Sure These Aren’t My Parents
2. Butterflies in Jars
3. Illness Becomes Her
4. The End of My Princess Existence
5. WTF?
Part II
6. How the Viet Nam War and Richard Nixon Really Screwed Up My Life
7. Catching Your Mother in Bed With Another Man Isn’t as Fun as it Sounds
8. I want to be a Playboy Bunny When I Grow Up
9. Walking Out of the Desert
10. Girl Games Suck; Boy Games Are Much More Fun
Hayley says
Are you sure you didn’t steal my book titles, Chloe? LOL. Your book sounds like my life. I’ll buy it when you publish it!
Carpool Goddess says
Awesome chapters, Chloe! Save a spot for me at your book launch!
Hayley says
Came back for a second visit after seeing your link on a comment on my own blog. Hi again! Chloe’s chapter titles are awesome!
Barbara Coleman says
Great Prompt! All my Chapter titles could be songs in my playlist on my iPod…..Each time I listen to them I am amazed that both the title and the song takes me right to my journey
My Autobiography in Music
Part I
Oops, I did it again – Britney Spears
End of the World – Skeeter Davis
Little Bird – Annie Lennox
Donna – Ritchie Valens
Both Sides Now – Judy Collins
Part II
Marry You – Bruno Mars
First Time Love – Livingston Taylor
Mary Tyler Moore Show Theme Song – The Hit Co
You Don’t Know me – Ben Folds
Everything Reminds me of my Dog – Jane Siberry
Keely says
These are awesome. Not only that, but I read them as a group, kind of like a bizarre haiku. There. Now I gave you an idea for a book of Memoir Poetry. (Visiting from Sharefest!)
Leslie Reichert says
Such fun. Now you have me thinking….
D. A. Wolf says
This cracked me up!
The only title I could add at this point is… “Are We THERE Yet?” Of course, I’m not quite sure where “there” is!
Loved this!
Tammy says
I always tell my one and only daughter that I hope that one day she will have a little girl just like her. At which point she crinkles her nose and says “thanks for nothing, mom”. Kinda says it all, doesn’t it? So enjoyed this post!